Award-winning breeding of seed and vegetative plant cuttings takes place on site in West Chicago, as well as various locations across North America and Europe.
one of our plant breeders holding plants
Our product managers conduct ground and greenhouse trials of our seeds and plants to ensure premium quality products.
josh Kirshenbaum, one of our product managers
Experts in molecular biology, cell biology, and analytical chemistry work closely with Ball breeding and production units to develop innovative commercial horticulture products.
Technician about to peform a test
Product development teams stay on top of trends and explore new markets for Ball. They are always willing to share their discoveries with customers.
a member of our team performing a presentation
Today more than 80% of the Ball Seed® inventory – billions of seeds each year – passes through our Ball Premier Lab for coating and pelleting, priming and testing.
seed technician preforming a test
Our onsite greenhouse and production team provides trialing and research services, including taking cuttings to test for attributes of future plants, to ensure we have the highest-quality seeds and plants in the industry.
technician performing trials in a greenhouse
One of our core policies is to “be a team player,” like these members of the PanAmerican Seed team.
an aerial view of the panamerican seed team